This is my response to David Levy's work. I decided to take the picture at a low angle to try and capture the unflattering angle of the human body. The photo makes the model look like she is looking up but it is where the camera is that makes it look like this. I definitely think that this photo gives the unflattering look that I wanted to give but I don't think it quite gives off the same vibe as the David Levy photos. It doesn't have that same story behind the person or the effectiveness of the photo.
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Diego Levy
Diego Levy was born in Buenos Aires in 1973. Since 1991, he has been working as a professional photographer. In this particular series of photos he took pictures of peoples faces but he did them in an interesting way. The people who he took photos of had very interesting features and made the photo look a lot more interesting than it could be. He also took the pictures at a slight angle that most people wouldn't say is very flattering. This makes the persons features stand out a bit more and the people he took photos of look like they all have a story behind them and that they have been through quite a lot in their life time.
This is my response to David Terrazas' work. I took the element of expression and displayed it in my photos. I used the most expressive part of our face which I believe is the mouth and I got the model to do lots of different facial expressions. The high definition of the camera means that the expressions and the photos look a lot more real and life like. It looks more serious and like the person is actually feeling these emotions.
I particularly like the middle photo where the model looks angry or stressed. I think it showed the human expressions in a good way and shows them up close. I also like the top and bottom ones because the top one is a whole load of emotions put together and the bottom one is clearly anger. If you look at the photos in order you could say that the mouths tell a story or it is the breakdown from hearing the bad news, getting angry and then bursting into complete rage.
David Terrazas
David Terrazas creates photography that has a meaning through the models different facial expressions. The lips are a particular part of the human face that depicts how a person is feeling. You can see in the top photo that the boy may be a bit scared or naïve. The bottom photo is more of a posed picture so doesn't really show true expression but still shows the element of happiness and wonderment.
This is my response to the photo that I found on pintrest which I found interesting. I took the photo from the same angle and made sure that the camera only focused on part of the hair and not all of it. The pintrest photo focuses on the frontal hair near her forehead, however I have chosen to focus on the hair in the middle of her head. I tried to take photos of her hair parting from above her head but the photos didn't really work and came out slightly blurry. Overall I don't really think this photo shoot was successful because it is quite dull and the photos didn't come out how I wanted them too.
Photo inspiration
I found this photo on a website called pintrest. I thought it was quite interesting because you could see the individual hairs and it was focused quite well on the hair itself. I think they have done a good job of the lighting and so the light bounces off the hair and makes it look more interesting. I think this makes for a good photo because the hair hasn't been done in a nice way so it makes the photo look more real.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
This is my response to Martin Schoeller's work where he captured the details of the human face and didn't capture the celebrities faces in a flattering way. I tried to do his with my model by getting him to look quite grumpy with no real expression on his face. I think this worked quite well but not as well as it could have done. I also tried out different poses and I liked the one of him looking out of the window. I thought it had a meaning to it and you can see that he is looking into the distance thinking about something in depth. Overall I don't think this shoot was very successful as it didn't really respond to Martin Schoeller's work very well and the detail of the face in the picture isn't quite up to standard.
Martin Schoeller
Martin Schoeller is a very well known photographer who, as you can see, takes photographs of very famous people. However, he doesn't take the photos in a glamorous way like you would expect. He captured all of their features and makes them look not so glamorous. He also picks people with moderately interesting faces and makes them do different facial expressions to make the pictures more interesting, He does the photo shoots in proper studios with big lights which makes the photos look more artificial. I really like his photos because he captured all the features of the famous people that we don't necessarily get to see.
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