Friday, 7 February 2014


This is my response to Tyler Shields work from his series 'chromatic'. I wanted to really get up close and personal to my model and capture every detail that you can see. I used the bright powder paint like Tyler Shields did to make it bright and colourful. I also used a spotlight to create the crispness of the photo and to make it stand out.
I think the strongest image out of these three finals is the eye photo. The eye makes it more of a personal photo and it makes it makes the image have a story to it. When you look into that eye it makes you feel like you have a connection with the person. I think the quality of it is also very good as I used a 75mm lens which made the focus extremely good and so the quality is a lot better than if I were to have used a different camera. Overall, I think this shoot is extremely successful and the photos come across as strong and powerful.  

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